Give yourself a little grace
Posted on October 24 2020

Welcome to the mind of a perfectionist, where we know life isn't perfect but that doesn't stop the never performed fairytale in our mind from writing a new page. We are supposed to live in his likeness but will never reach his greatness.
The mind of a perfectionist holds unrealistic expectations for ourselves, perceptions we create based on our own feelings and presumed feelings of others. We constantly self sabotage because we know the picture drawn into our minds will never be the same life creates. The craziest thing is that there are so many times, that life's gives us something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.
We spend so much time imagining what could be or what will be once you achieve this goal, when you find that perfect person, when you land that dream job and then it never ends up being what we anticipated and before we can just appreciate these moments in time, we find ourselves dreaming about the next thing that will create the unobtainable moment of perfection.
As I write this is 2:07am my decision to launch this business, work full time and improve my physical health has taken most of the hours the day gives. I sleep very little and work a lot. I get disappointed when the product that I present doesn't fit my expectation, I wonder if I am really good enough, I struggle with my strong sense to protect my privacy despite choosing to do something so public. This journey has been nothing less of difficult and some how we learn, we grow, we improve.
If you are a perfectionist give yourself a little grace, committed to your passions and allow yourself to make mistakes and forgive yourself for them. Failure is an option and it is necessary for success. God's plans for you are bigger than your doubts.