Take_Me _InStyle » Blog
Welcome to my blog, I never thought I would be doing this, in fact I'm a pretty private person but cheers to new experiences. I have always preferred to use clothing and my own style as my preferred communication and expression of who I am. It works well for me since I prefer to be a women of few words unless you make mad, lol. I've learned far too much in this life about betrayal, heartache and tragedy; while it hasn't broken me, it has definitely shaped me. After my brother passed away, I found myself searching for my purpose, for hope, for strength and I found it through church and renewed my faith in God. Trust me most therapist (stop the stigma ppl, I said I was private so who better to talk to) can't believe my life story at the age of 34 so no doubt my faith was weak. In my pursuit to keep my faith strong, a sermon, a dream and my beautiful niece and nephew provided inspiration for Surrounding Grace. As always, my loyal mom accompanied me in my travels as the supporter I needed to push me through to plan my launch and here we are. It's been interesting; I've made more mistakes then I can count and I've panicked and felt like giving up a few times but I always have to remind myself its progress not perfection. So I hope you accompany me on this adventure.